Did Harlan Sanders attend EKU?
He was my roommate.no. Sanders did not attend what would have been Eastern Kentucky Normal School.you should have seen the old colonel logo....
Your school is awesome.I passed it today, actually, on my way back from NC. Thought of getting some KFC to celebrate, but Mr. W was all, nah, let's get gas station cashews and Climax Water instead. And who was I to say no to cashews?
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Did Harlan Sanders attend EKU?
He was my roommate.
no. Sanders did not attend what would have been Eastern Kentucky Normal School.
you should have seen the old colonel logo....
Your school is awesome.
I passed it today, actually, on my way back from NC. Thought of getting some KFC to celebrate, but Mr. W was all, nah, let's get gas station cashews and Climax Water instead. And who was I to say no to cashews?
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